Domain variable and Basic functions
A CSint is an integer domain variable. Only pointers to CSint (CSint*) are used in the pre-defined iZ functions.
CSint variables can be constructed by these following functions:
CSint *cs_createCSint(int min, int max)
Creates a CSint variable whose domain is { min .. max }.
CSint *cs_createNamedCSint(int min, int max, char *name)
Creates a CSint variable whose domain is { min .. max }, and associates a name to it. (It is equivalent to
followed bycs_setName()
CSint *CSINT(int n)
Creates an already instantiated (i.e. its domain is reduced to one element) CSint variable. This function is equivalent to cs_createCSint(n, n).
CSint *cs_createCSintFromDomain(int *array, int size)
Creates a CSint variable its domain is defined by the array (of size integers).
CSint **cs_createCSintArray(int nbVars, int min, int max)
Creates an array of nbVars CSint variables, which all have the same { min .. max } domain.
<note>This function returns pointer to array of CSint pointers. Don’t call free() for this array because array is managed by iZ-C.
Functions to Access Domain Variable
Following basic functions give access to CSint (a domain variable):
int cs_getMin(CSint *vint)
Returns the minimum value of the domain of vint.
int cs_getMax(CSint *vint)
Returns the maximum value of the domain of vint.
int cs_getNbElements(CSint *vint)
Returns the number of elements in the domain of vint.
int cs_getNbConstraints(CSint *vint)
Returns the number of constraints vint is involved in. (Constraints which failed when setting are not included.)
char *cs_getName(CSint *vint)
Returns the name of vint (which has been set using
). The name of a CSint variable can also be displayed by using the “%T” format conversion string of thecs_printf()
int cs_getNextValue(CSint *vint, int val)
Returns the first element in the domain of vint which is strictly greater than val. If val is greater than cs_getMax(vint), then it returns INT_MAX (the maximum value of an int).
In the following code, cs_getNextValue() is used as an expression of a ‘for’ statement:
void display(CSint *vint) { int val; for (val = cs_getMin(vint); val <= cs_getMax(vint); val = cs_getNextValue(vint, val)) printf("%d ", val); }
The display() function defined above will print on the stdout file all the possible values of a CSint variable (i.e. its domain) in increasing order.
int cs_getPreviousValue(CSint *vint, int val)
Returns the first element in the domain of vint which is strictly lower than val. If val is lower than cs_getMin(vint), then it returns INT_MIN (the minimum value of an int).
int *cs_getDomain(CSint *vint)
Returns an array of cs_getNbElements( vint ) elements whose values are the elements of the domain of vint. (Returned array should be ‘free’ed by user)
void cs_freeDomain(int *array)
Free array allocated by
IZBOOL cs_isIn(CSint *vint, int val)
Returns TRUE if val is an element of the domain of vint. Otherwise it returns FALSE.
void cs_setName(CSint *vint, char *name)
Associate a name to a CSint variable vint. When the vint will be displayed (using
), its associated name can also be displayed (if the format “%T” is specified).
IZBOOL cs_isFree(CSint *vint)
Returns TRUE if vint is not yet instantiated (i.e. cs_getNbElements( vint ) > 1, i.e. cs_getMin( vint ) < cs_getMax( vint )). Otherwise returns FALSE.
IZBOOL cs_isInstantiated(CSint *vint)
Returns TRUE if vint is instantiated (i.e. cs_getNbElements( vint ) == 1, i.e. cs_getMin( vint ) == cs_getMax( vint )). Otherwise returns FALSE.
int cs_getValue(CSint *vint)
Returns the value of vint in case vint has been instantiated. An error occurs (i.e. a call to
returns CS_ERR_GETVALUE) if vint has not been instantiated yet, and cs_getValue( vint ) returns cs_getMin( vint ).
void cs_printf(const char *control, ...)
Is similar to the standard printf() C function except that three new conversion characters dedicated to CSint variables and CSint variable arrays has been added:
cs_printf("%T", vint)
prints the name of vint (if it has one) followed by its domain.cs_printf("%D", vint)
prints only the domain of vint on the standard output file, stdout.cs_printf("%A", array, size)
prints the array of CSint variables (with their name, if any) array, of size elements, separated by a comma.
void cs_fprintf(FILE *f, const char *control, ...)
It is similar to cs_printf() except that it takes a pointer to FILE as an argument, and writes to the indicated file when the function is invoked.
Constraints for Domain
Following functions are constraints, and may fail (i.e. return a FALSE value) when posted:
IZBOOL cs_InArray(CSint *vint, int *array, int size)
Constrains the domain of CSint variable vint to be the domain contained in the array .
IZBOOL cs_NotInArray(CSint *vint, int *array, int size)
Constrains the CSint variable vint not to have the values in the array . All the values of the domain of vint that are in array are removed.
It could be defined as:
IZBOOL cs_notInArray(CSint *vint, int *array, int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (!cs_NEQ(vint, array[i]) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
IZBOOL cs_InInterval(CSint *vint, int min, int max)
Constrains the CSint variable vint to be { min .. max } (i.e. cs_getMin(vint) >= min and cs_getMax(vint) <= max).
It could be defined as:
IZBOOL cs_InInterval(CSint *vint, int min, int max) { return(cs_GE(vint, min) && cs_LE(vint, max)); }
IZBOOL cs_NotInInterval(CSint *vint, int min, int max)
Constrains the CSint variable vint not to have the values in { min .. max }. All the values of the domain of vint that are in {min..max} are removed.
It could be defined as:
IZBOOL cs_NotInInterval(CSint *vint, int min, int max) { int i; for (i = min; i <= max; i++) if (!cs_NEQ(vint, i)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }